

Dragon fruit red flesh Information

Red Dragon fruit plant is botanically classified as Hylocereus constaricensus and sometimes Hylocereus polyrhizus. The former classification references its native Costa Rica. The red-fleshed Dragon fruits are rarer than the yellow-skinned variety, and are not nearly as widely available as the white-fleshed variety.

Dragon fruit red nutrition

Red Dragon fruit contains high amounts of vitamin C and has a high fiber content. They are also a good source of potassium and phosphorus, as well as other minerals and B-complex vitamins. Red Dragon fruit is rich in protein, antioxidants (from the betacyanins), lycopene and carotene. Dried Red Dragon fruit has ten-times the nutritional benefits of the fresh fruit.

Red dragon fruit health benefits

Dragon fruit red benefits are improving the health of the eyes and skin, including protecting the skin from ultraviolet damage. Eating too much fresh Red Dragon fruit can cause a laxative effect.

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